Denver in July (2010, Part 1)
Every year I attend the IUG (Innovative User Group) conference with my co-worker, Tanya. We attend those to learn more about the many intricate ways various library's put the Innovative Interfaces Inc. library system (a product that facilitates cataloging, circulation, receiving, & acquisitions) to use, and to find out what's new in the technology. That was the Chicago trip that I posted in May.
Bi-annually I am scheduled to go to the AALL (American Association of Law Libraries) conference. I skipped it in 2007, which switched me to even numbered years beginning with 2008 when I went to Washington D.C. for IUG and Portland, Oregon for AALL. Hence my good fortune this year in getting to visit two great cities, Chicago (IUG) and Denver (AALL).
I wonder if other people enjoy traveling for the same reasons I do. Points of interest are fabulous, but I can be content with just milling around where ever my hotel is because I'm always curious about everyday life in other places--so when I take pictures, if they aren't about the beauty of architecture or the adorableness of plant or animal, it's about living.
He reminded me of someone my Mom once dated when I was a child; a loner who lived in a humble studio apartment on Kenwood street, who loved his job delivering newspapers (on foot) to the commercial district of downtown L.A.. I particularly remember, the one time I was brought along, his joy when announcing we were entering the "Cushman building". Bob's only peice of furniture besides the bed and the television that brought him detroit Tigers baseball, was his upright piano. I believe he'd relied more heavily on it's company than on the television's.
If Bob hadn't somehow managed to have his own piano, I think this would have been him, playing all day as this fellow seemed to be when I saw him on my early morning walk to the conference center, and again, several hours later, on my way back to the hotel.
I also love the camaraderie that emanates from a group of friends just hanging out together.

Time to go for now, but stay tuned for more "Denver in July".
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