Welcome to the newest section of my blog: The page where I share Chapman University and whatever activities it involves me in.
After loading my Leatherby Library and undergrad campus images of July 19
th, it occurred to me I really need to devote an entire page to Chapman, because I’m constantly taking pictures there and they don’t really fit under the Day Trippin’ theme.
I’ll leave the ones I’ve placed on that page where they are, but henceforth, Chapman related photos will go here.
For those who do not know me, in case I have not explicitly explained this; I am the Serials and Acquisitions Librarian in Chapman University’s Law Library. I began this position on November 4th, 2004, after 5 years of employment at the Huntington Beach Public Library. As a Serials and Acquisitions Librarian I supervise two technical services technicians, order monographs occasionally, and am primarily focused on ordering, claiming, and maintaining serials (publications that publish on an ongoing, continuing, basis.) I get to help students from behind the reference desk periodically, and to do this I'm continually familiarizing myself with the print and electronic resources our library provides.
Each morning, about 7:00 a.m., I hop in Gandolfa, (my PT Cruiser mentioned on the day trippin' blog page) jump on the 22 freeway headed East, and head for the city of Orange. This freeway has been under construction for the entire two years that I've been making this journey. This is it's current state of disprepare (taken July 26th, 2006):

Yes, this is on the freeway. I don't know about you, but I'd have to be REALLY desparate to use this thing!
And, if there is time, after I exit the freeway and near my destination, I stop here at Deitrichs on my way. This is the back entrance. Don't ask me why it says "Architects."