As mentioned in the previous post, I took lots of pictures. So, for a sense of Denver, Colorado, at least as it was in July of 2010, here's some of the street views.
Above, is the 16th Street Mall. I enjoyed my walks along this street. The many colorful pedestrians lent an air of casual friendliness.
I didn't see cars on 16th Street Mall--probably they are not allowed. I did see busses, horse carts, and bikes aplenty.
Now, that's a cool bike.
And this is definitely the street for dog walking. This young lady in her black and white stripes had a couple of super cute black accessories (yes, I'm referring to the Dachshunds).
I'm not the only one who thought her dogs were cute--or were the dogs just his excuse to talk to the pretty girl? |
No city is complete without a river that runs through it!
Or flowers and trees that adorn it's apartment fronts.
I'm not sure exactly what this is--it was on a back street of sorts. I just thought it was pretty.
And this is the Colorado Capitol Building
This is back on 16th Street Mall--there are few pictures of this street that do not have one of those free buses in it.
Being early July, I'm not sure if these flags were erected for Independence day, or if they were permanent fixtures.
Another free bus, I'm not sure what the police escort is about--probably not truly an escort, but it made for a great picture..
Thanks for visiting!
For more Denver in July 2010 images, visit HERE.