Sunday, May 31, 2009

IUG Conference May 18-20, 2009 Part III

. . .And these are just a few exterior shots of the grounds around the Anaheim Hilton Hotel. The first and second images are actually the front of the Anaheim Convention Center, while the last two are the walk way between the Convention Center and the Hilton.

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IUG Conference May 18-20, 2009 Part III

The first three images of this set are just a few more Hilton Hotel interior shots and the last is a picture of two people who worked in the Law Library, but left before I started working there, Wanda on our left and Han on our right, and the law library's current cataloger, Tanya, in the middle. Having access to people who are a part of the history of our library system is useful in light of the fact that many of the codes are not defined ("claim" codes for example). The system itself had no mechanism by which to record their definitions and installation records don't appear to have been retained---but hey, it keeps life interesting!

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IUG Conference May 18-20, 2009 Part II

This first image is a little better of Richard (see previous post) in the opening session of the conference. My friend, Tanya, commented on how pretty the water cooler was, so I had to photograph kind of lose something in the translation here. I guess the condensation, that you can't see too well here, was a large part of it's "prettyness". The third image is in the Hilton Hotel's lobby, as is the bar in the last image.

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IUG May 18-20, 2009 Part I

As I have probably mentioned before, Innovative Interfaces Inc. has an annual conference, which, as a member of the Technical Services department at Chapman's Law Library, I get to attend. This year it was in Anaheim California, which was great because it allowed more of the library staff to attend.
The shots that follow are of the 2 hour opening session which included a very entertaining address from our key note speaker for the year, Michael Johnson from PIXAR (second picture below). The third picture could be anyone, as over lit as it is, so you'll have to trust me when I say it is Richard Jackson of the Huntington Library getting an award for a session he's been presenting for several years now on how to do "match" searches with "regular expressions". It's a great session that I learn a little more from each time I go---I can only absorb so much logic at one time, so I keep going back. (smile)

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

5-12-09 shrubs lining the drive next to the parking structure

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