Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
5-27-10 Morning walk
Generally I read on my morning break but yesterday morning I needed to run across the street to deliver a miss-directed copy of "The Help" back to it's owner. So I brought my camera and photographed the flowers along the way (and way back)---my version of "stop and smell the roses". (smile)

Notice, there is a little buglet hiding in this one on the right.

Notice, there is a little buglet hiding in this one on the right.

Sunday, May 09, 2010
And more Chicago

Millennium Park

Cloud Gate in Millennium Park

Chicago Public Library

Fox and Obel

Don and I at Sixteen, a restaurant on the 16th floor of the Donald Trump building.

Don's photo along the Chicago riverwalk.

Don's photo from out front of our hotel. All along the river here the posts had this same design element that Chapman has incorporated all around campus as a "vision" symbol.

Don's photo on the 9th floor of the Chicago Public Library.
More Chicago and IUG conference stuff
So, the keynote speaker at our IUG conference was Scott Simon, journalist, Chicago resident, NPR Saturday night host, and author of at least two books...I know this because I have "Pretty Birds" autographed to Don and "Windy City" autographed to me. This photo is of Tanya and Scott just after he signed our books. Tanya actually bought her copies and ours. Don and I had taken her to an interesting version of "The Taming of the Shrew" at the Chicago Shakespeare Theater without telling her the cost, and she wouldn't let us get away with it. She thought of the perfect way to recipricate. Isn't she nice? (smile)
We asked him if he'd ever been told that he and Robert Downy Junior resemble one another..."Yes" he had. In fact he told us an amusing tale where he and the star discussed the matter. I won't repeat it here, but ask me about it. :-)
We asked him if he'd ever been told that he and Robert Downy Junior resemble one another..."Yes" he had. In fact he told us an amusing tale where he and the star discussed the matter. I won't repeat it here, but ask me about it. :-)

Sunday, April 18 to Friday, April 23 2010

I didn't spend much time at the law library in April. No sooner was I finished with jury duty than it was time to fly off to Chicago for the IUG conference. That's, Innovative Users Group. Innovative is the the name of the company that develops our library system--the system that we catalog our books (or serials, DVD's, CD's, etc.) into, that keeps track of how many copies we have of those items and where they are (which shelf they are on, or, if checked out, whose bed they are under); the system that reminds us how much we paid for our items and who we paid and when we'll have to pay them again; the system that tells us it's time to ask the patron who checked our item out to pull it out from under the bed and bring it back; the system that tells us we should have received a serial update but didn't, and more. And ours is a good system. It's complicated in some ways, but it works....mostly.
So evey year, in April or May, the company holds a conference and this year's was in Chicago. I've gone to three of these annual meetings now, and this was the first time Don (husband, you may recall) was able to come along. We left Merlyn with a kennel and my brother watched our other "kids", which freed us up for a lovely week at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers.
I'm afraid I'm going to delay the illustrations to this story a while longer though, because Don got a new camera last week, and is readying himself for a day of playing with I must follow suit and ready myself for a day of local photography. And if I'm going to be the subject of some of his pictures this is going to take a LOT of preparation!
Meanwhile though, the photos are on Flickr. So you COULD just click one or all of these links that go to the 3 different files of our photos:
Pictures taken with my small "Coolpix" camera
Pictures taken with my SLR Nikon D60
Pictures taken with Don's Fujifilm FinePix F72EXR small camera
See ya later!